

Our bodies are the result of how we treat them. This includes how we nourish ourselves. Diet is one of the very important foundations of health. I will work to educate you about healthy foods and will provide you with the tools you need to make a healthy diet part of your everyday life. I want to make healthy eating easy for you! It doesn’t have to be a chore!


Our lifestyles define our health. I want to help you restore balance to your everyday routine. I’m here to help you practice healthy habits and keep them strong! Whether this means focusing on daily movement, improving your sleep, or managing stress, the goal is to make these healthy habits second nature.

Physical Examinations

Physical examinations are often required to gain a greater understanding of your health state and can be used diagnostically. Physical exams are performed as needed, on an ongoing basis. Gynaecological exams (including PAP smears, and vaginal swabs), breast exams, and prostate exams are also available upon request.

Laboratory Investigations

Laboratory investigations (including blood work) are often helpful in understanding our foundations of health. They provide us with a snapshot of our nutrient status and can be used to diagnose different conditions. They also provide us with a way to monitor health, and the efficacy of treatment over time.


Once vitamin and nutrient deficiencies are determined, supplementation can be used to restore these levels back to optimal. This is definitely an area of expertise for naturopathic doctors. We become very familiar with different supplement products available on the market and are able to choose products that are most suited to your individual needs. The goal is to use the most effective and affordable products in order to minimize the number of supplements needed.

Botanical Medicine

Botanical medicine is the use of plants and plant constituents to support bodily functions and restore the body back to a healthy balance. Botanical medicine can be used to treat a variety of conditions and to help prevent disease. The different forms of botanical medicine I often prescribe include capsules, teas, and tinctures (concentrated forms of botanical extracts). A great way to use the healing powers of nature.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a system of medicine with origins from thousands of years ago. Disease occurs when the body loses its balance, and TCM works to restore this balance using, diet, herbs, and acupuncture among other modalities. We work to restore your yin and yang balance and optimize your qi.


Acupuncture works to bring blood flow to an area of concern. This promotes healing. Acupuncture has incredible applications in pain management and can be paired with electrostimulation to restore your muscle function and accelerate recovery. Acupuncture is also used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to optimize the flow of energy throughout the body.


Cupping therapy can be an incredible tool in recovery. It works by promoting blood flow to areas of concern. This helps with the delivery of oxygen to our tissues and the removal of waste products. Ask about cupping therapy in your next appointment to find out if it’s right for you.

Therapeutic Ultrasound Therapy

Ultrasound therapy uses ultrasonic waves to improve muscle healing. It can be used to relieve pain, increase blood flow, reduce inflammation, and promote tissue healing. It is a very gentle, but effective therapy.


Hydrotherapy is the use of water, in all of its forms, to promote healing. It is often a very effective and affordable way to optimize recovery and stimulate the body’s flow of blood and lymphatic fluid. A great way to support the immune system.

Physical Adjustments

Did you know that naturopathic doctors are trained to perform physical adjustments? Physical adjustments can be used to improve your physical wellbeing. If you’re experiencing musculoskeletal concerns, ask about physical adjustments in your next appointment.


Sometimes we just need someone to talk to…and I’m here to listen. I truly see the value in having a strong support system and a I’m always happy to provide a judgement-free space where you can feel comfortable having open and honest conversations.